雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Housework and cooking家务与做饭

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Housework and cooking家务与做饭 针对家务与做饭这一问题,不同的同学可能给出截然对立的答案。有些同学会在假期帮助父母收拾屋子,打扫卫生,做一日三餐。但也有些同学回家之后过的是衣来伸手、饭来张口的日子。大家根据自己的真实情况回答...

家务活“housework”是我们日常家居生活中逃不开的一部分。你通常承担哪一项家务?“扫地、拖地、吸尘、洗衣服、晾衣服、买菜、洗碗”等用英语怎么说?“BBC实用英语”教你用英语描述各类家务活,看视频。 (来源:BBC英语教学 编辑:yaning) 来源:BBC英语教学 举报/反馈 发...

In 2001, housework compensation was added to a revision of China's marriage law with the precondition that it only applied to couples who agreed to separation of property, ...

"Always be concerned with what the people are concerned with, love them and let them benefit," Xi ordered. The president said the issues that concern the people most -\- education, jobs, health care, social security and order -\- should be properly d...

She suggests that rather than trying to do everything themselves, working women should get family members to help with the housework – and not feel guilty about leaving work early when family duty calls. High earners can take their cue from actres...

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